Exclusive Offer for New Year 2025!

It's a new year, and we’d like to take a moment to thank you for being a valued member of Naija Book Club. We’re excited to welcome you into the exclusive world of unlimited titles and amazing books in 2025.

Don't wait! Join others to read amazing books in 2025. Get access to an unlimited number of audiobooks and e-books by subscribing to our Audio/E-book Service with only 25,000 Nigerian Naira.

Why Subscribe to our Audio/E-book Service?

1. Curated Selections: Our team is dedicated to recommending books to you, carefully curating them to match your reading preferences.

4. Special Books: Make specific book requests for books not on file yet and we will get them to make your reading experience worthwhile.

3. Exclusive Content: As a subscriber, you can access exclusive content, early releases, and limited publications.

4. Community Engagement: Be invited to our Facebook Live book reviews and share recommendations with our community.

How to Subscribe:

You can simply pay N25,000 into the account below:

Niseda Limited. Kuda MFB 3000070923

When you have made the payment, message Naija Book Club on WhatsApp https://wa.me/2349162824518 with the receipt. No delays, you will be promptly responded to and added to the service.

Your continued membership means the world to us, and we can’t wait to share another year of literary discoveries with you. Feel free to reach out on WhatsApp if you have any questions or need assistance.

Warm regards.

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